A women’s circle is a practice of meeting in vulnerability and openness. In women, circles are welcome all women of all ages, origins, believes, or no other distinctions matter. If you are a woman and feel like you want to meet other women in the intimacy of the heart please come
In the circle, women can share what moves them, what is there vividly coloring their lives at the moment, where they can be heard and seen just as they are. The power of the circle is to heal and empower. Sometimes we share the song, touch, meditation, or other practice.
There is an old saying heart speaks to heart and soul speaks to soul. This is what we aim for sitting together in a circle.
For the circle to be a safe container for our processes we have a few rules.
First is the rule of confidentiality. What happens in a circle stays in a circle. We ask you not to take out what other women shared unless they clearly verbally agreed for you to share their story. You may though share to the outside world what kind of experience it was for you.
Then in the circle, we do not generalize, or talk about how other people are. We try to stay with our own experience and talk about how we feel in a certain situation, what is our personal experience.
The circle is a container for our sharing. So we speak only when we have a talking object which in our circle is talking stone otherwise, we listen and try to stay present. And we refrain from giving advice unless we were asked for a piece of advice.
I will explain how the circle works when we start so that we remember.
PRICE: This women’s circle is in gift economy. Gift economy means that you pay as much as you can do comfortably and with joy as an energetical exchange for your experience.
LANGUAGE: This women’s circle is held in English with no translation.
We also have a women’s circle in Polish held once a month at our venue.
AGNIESZKA LEDWON is an astrologer, spiritual guide, intimacy, and relationships coach. She is a practitioner on the path of the heart. By using the means of awareness, breath, sound, movement, and the infinite wisdom of the body, she takes you on a journey toward more vibrancy and fulfillment. At the heart of her practice is a soulful presence. This brings wholeness to what seems broken, and integrates what has fallen into the shadow while celebrating life. Loving fully, taking a delight in your experiences, finding peace with what and how you are is where we are going together.